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[BooksObjective-C 入门英文版

Description: apress出版的《Objective.C.for.Absolute.Beginners》英文版,初学者必备
Platform: | Size: 11970497 | Author: gujin1987@163.com | Hits:

[BooksLearn Objective-C on the Mac

Description: 一本介绍Objective-C的书籍 一开始有对物件导向设计做概念性的介绍 对于学习Objective-C是一本很好的入门书
Platform: | Size: 4516672 | Author: signales | Hits:


Description: 最热门的ios平台编程书籍 Objective-C编程第三版
Platform: | Size: 4049070 | Author: lolomarx | Hits:


Description: 这是一本介绍objective C的书,主要用于objective C的教学-This is a briefing objective C, the main objective for the teaching C
Platform: | Size: 1172480 | Author: chen | Hits:

[Windows DevelopObject-C

Description: < Cocoa入门---使用Objective-C>>教程的源代码,对于想学iphone程序开发的同志,非常有价值,因为目前市面上很少此方面的教材。-<Cocoa entry--- the use of Objective-C>> Tutorial source code for iphone developers want to learn comrades, very valuable, because the market is currently very little teaching in this regard.
Platform: | Size: 2206720 | Author: | Hits:

[Windows CEObjective-C_Pocket_Reference_2002

Description: Objective-C快速参考,Objective-C Pocket Reference2002-Objective-C Quick Reference, Objective-C Pocket Reference2002
Platform: | Size: 184320 | Author: windfall | Hits:


Description: 从C&C++过渡到Objective-C 对于已经熟悉C++的人来说,从事iPhone开发一开始就陷入过多的Objective-C的细节可能并非好事。 我们希望可以更加关注于iPhone开发特有的东西,快速上手。 下面这些内容可以帮助C++程序员快速获得Objective-C的基本知识,并开始编写和阅读iPhone程序,如果在读别人的程序时,有些语法搞不懂,可以翻查我前面发的那本电子书《<Cocoa入门---使用Objective-C>英文版》(http://www.weiphone.com/thread-119791-1-1.html),把其作为参考手册用。 附件内容整理/翻译自《iPhone Open Application Development》(http://www.weiphone.com/thread-119662-1-1.html) -From the C
Platform: | Size: 282624 | Author: skyge | Hits:

[Windows DevelopObjective-C

Description: 学习Objective-C的宝典,O Reilly出版的。-Learning Objective-C of the book, O Reilly published.
Platform: | Size: 5254144 | Author: frene | Hits:

[OpenGL programSams.Programming.In.Objective-C

Description: Sams.Programming.In.Objective-C.chm外国经典ojective-c教程-Sams.Programming.In.Objective-C.chm classic foreign ojective-c Guide
Platform: | Size: 1172480 | Author: 周洪昌 | Hits:


Description: Programming in Objective-C is a concise, carefully written tutorial on the basics of Objective-C and object-oriented programming. The book makes no assumption about prior experience with object-oriented programming languages or with the C language (upon which Objective-C is based). And because of this, both novice and experienced programmers alike can use this book to quickly and effectively learn the fundamentals of Objective-C. Readers can also learn the concepts of object-oriented programming without having to first learn all of the intricacies of the underlying procedural language (C). This approach, combined with many small program examples and exercises at the end of each chapter, makes it ideally suited for either classroom use or self-study
Platform: | Size: 1172480 | Author: 刘备华 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringObjective-C(Chinese)

Description: Objective-C(中文) 設定環境 前言 編譯 hello world 創建 Classes 把它們湊在一起 詳細說明... 多重參數 建構子(Constructors) 存取權限 異常情況(Exceptions)處理 繼承、多型(Inheritance, Polymorphism)以及其他物件導向功能 id 型別 繼承(Inheritance) 動態識別(Dynamic types) 記憶體管理 優點與缺點-Objective-C (Chinese) Set the environment Preface Compile hello world Creating Classes Them to get together Details ... Multiple parameters Constructor (Constructors) Access Exceptions (Exceptions) treatment Inheritance, polymorphism (Inheritance, Polymorphism), and other object-oriented features id type Inheritance (Inheritance) Dynamic identification (Dynamic types) Memory management Advantages and disadvantages
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: skyge | Hits:

[Windows Developobjective-c

Description: objective-c开发基础教程 请下载 保证资料准确-objective-c development of fundation
Platform: | Size: 345088 | Author: mzs | Hits:


Description: The Objective-C 2.0 Programming Language
Platform: | Size: 886784 | Author: soutas lokal | Hits:


Description: objective-c的入门教程,基本上学过c的程序员上手会快些-Getting Started Tutorial objective-c basically learned c programmers will quickly get started
Platform: | Size: 384000 | Author: phoenix | Hits:


Description: objective-C程序设计第二版(英文) 本书共包括四部分:objective-C语言基础、Foundation框架、Cocoa and the iphone SDK、附录。总共有21章节,其中1-13章是关于objective-C语言的基本介绍以及语言基础知识,14-19章介绍foundation框架以及一些常用类,20-22介绍简单的iphone应用开发以及cocoa编程环境。-objective-C Programming, Second Edition (English) This book includes four parts: objective-C language based, Foundation framework, Cocoa and the iphone SDK, appendix. A total of 21 chapters, including Chapter 1-13 on the objective-C language is a basic introduction to the basic knowledge and language, 14-19 chapter describes some of the common foundation and framework of class, 20-22 introduced a simple iphone application development and cocoa programming environment.
Platform: | Size: 2958336 | Author: 张茜 | Hits:

[MacOS developObjective-c.pdf

Description: Objective-C基础教程,能够从最基础的地方了Objective-C与C语言的联系与区别。-Objective-C based tutorial, from the most basic parts of the Objective-C and C language and differences between.
Platform: | Size: 31289344 | Author: gaoli | Hits:


Description: objective-c初级基础知识以及相应的代码-primary objective-c basics and the corresponding code
Platform: | Size: 1366016 | Author: 耀武 | Hits:

[MacOS developObjective-C.pdf

Description: objective-c是当下火热崛起的语言 是用来开发ios的程序标准语言 学习这个是很重要的-this book is useful to you
Platform: | Size: 296960 | Author: 马超 | Hits:

[MacOS developobjective-c课件

Description: objective-c语言教学课件PPT,一共21章(Objective-C language teaching courseware PPT, a total of 21 chapters)
Platform: | Size: 24555520 | Author: 萌萌萌萌 | Hits:

[Documentsobjective-c编程 第2版.pdf

Description: OS. objective c 的第二版,挺好的资料(IOS study book, objective 2nd version)
Platform: | Size: 36225024 | Author: 王何宣 | Hits:
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